Take your customers on a journey. Tell your narrative. Help shape theirs.

Make Your Brand Experience An Adventure.

Success happens when consumers are connected to your brand. When they “feel seen” and have their voices heard. When they’re inspired, empowered, entertained and engaged. They want to become the best version of themselves. To be part of a moment…or a movement. To contribute to something that they believe in. They want to feel special.

It is no longer enough to be liked…consumers want to fall in love with your brand.

When they love the experience, you’ll experience the love.
What IS a brand experience?

It is the journey that a current or potential customer/client will take as they interact with your brand. It encompasses everything, from the physical to the digital, that can enhance the relationship between people and brands, including marketing, communications, partnerships, events, experiential campaigns, business processes, apps and technology, and a heck of a lot more.

It is through these experiences that customers build an emotional connection and become your loyal advocate, a.k.a. your brand’s biggest fan. They engage, they buy, they post and tell their friends…and they come back for more!

Creative thinking is the competitive edge that turns transactions into something transformational.

That’s where Mugsy shines.
What we do

Our Services


is a spectacular word meaning the capacity for creative thought or imagination (it’s a real word too – we didn’t even make it up!).

Brand Analysis

Brand Identity Building

Brand Integration & Partnerships

Brand Messaging & Copywriting

Brand Strategy & Creative Asset Formation

Community Awareness Campaign Creation

Content Based Storytelling

Creativity Coaching

Digital Marketing Strategy

Experiential Marketing & Event Concepts

Innovative Organizational Processes

Media Campaign Development & Implementation

Photography & Videography

Photoshoot Concepts & Styling

Visual & Verbal Identity Shaping

Web Experiences & App Integration

What we do at Mugsy according to the people closest to us…

“You make people famous on YouTube and Facebook and stuff”

—Ryan’s 9 year old

“Tell brands what to do to look good, sound good, stand out and make money.”

—Sam’s Best Friend

“Help people grow their businesses by getting them noticed in any way possible…and you’re very busy doing it because we don’t see you enough.”

—Beth’s Mom

“Make us money.”

—Mugsy client, Driftwood Beach Club

“What I like to say we do is ‘let the sunshine in’! We help clients find their ‘sunbeams’ – the ideas that breakthrough and illuminate the solutions to their brand experience challenges.”

—Our Founder, Emily Taffel