Fab Five of the Week: From Retro Mario to Weekend Fun

by Oct 2, 2015

It’s Friday and that means today everyone is planning their weekend fun…while, of course, taking a look at fun sites on the inter-webs when instead of working. I have no shame in saying that I’m doing both – it’s part of my job!

Here are my fab five for the week (and weekend). Enjoy!

“Classic” Mario: I saw this video on Facebook this week and loved it! If you know me, you know I’m a fan of classical music (especially when I’m writing…like now). Combined with the fact that I grew up with the original Nintendo, I thought this was amazing! How this violinist is able to hit every note/sound from the video game, I don’t know. I just know it was awesome!


The Pooch Selfie: If you like us on Facebook, I’m sure you saw that we posted about MLB announcers shaming girls taking selfies at a recent game. I guess now it’s time to talk about taking a selfie with your pup. Just slap a tennis ball on the top of your phone – or buy a pooch selfie – and you’ll be able to get that perfect pic of your pup since he’ll be focused on the tennis ball of course. Hopefully he gets a treat after for paying attention!

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My Favorite Month of the Year: I love the month of October! Yes it’s when Halloween is and Magic Month, but I only know a couple card tricks I learned when I was probably 7 years old and I’m not one to head out to all the fun Halloween happenings in South Florida. So then why do I like October you ask? It’s the first noticeable change of the season in South Florida. This weekend, for instance, is supposed to be in the high 60s/low 70s. The air is crisp and you don’t sweat the second you walk outside. Here’s to October!


Atlanta Next Weekend: It’s official…Emily and I are Atlanta-bound for the 2015 PR Related Summit next weekend. We will both be speaking on a panel about social media and are very excited to share our expertise and advice with others in the industry. Be sure to stay tuned to our Mugsy PR Facebook and Twitter pages for updates. I’m sure we’ll have some Periscopes going up also!


Weekend Fun: It seems that every Thursday and Friday of the week group texts and chats are dinging in your ear every other minute about what to do over the weekend. There’s no shortage of fun in South Florida. For instance, Emily will be enjoying a night of comedy with Aziz Ansari and Amy Schumer in West Palm Beach this weekend and I have pool time and family time on my docket this weekend. There’s nothing better than good times all the time!

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