Man it has been a rough one. Two mass shootings in 24 hours definitely shook our office, as I am sure it has done to many of you, and it is about all we are talking about today. Since I don’t think we can add anything new on that conversation other than our deep desire for a BIG CHANGE, we are sticking to some smile inducing, really unique and inspiring stories we’ve been reading about. Let us know what you’ve found that makes you say “WOW” too. We love to receive shared links that we can share to our followers too! Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Have you ever wanted to see if you fit in an airplane overhead bin? I can honestly say I have wondered, and now a flight attendant from Southwest Airlines proved it IS possible – and it definitely made people smile (and a few say WTF?!).
Talk about a dirt cheap scam. A man made over $300K returning DIRT to Amazon. This made the inner Neil Caffrey in us smile because of how long this con went on. It makes us wonder why Amazon doesn’t have people processing returns more quickly, and also – what does this guys yard look like? All things to think about at 3am…
We all have dreams of going into space, but how about colonizing Mars? According to Georgr Dvorsky, not in our lifetimes. There’s no water, no atmosphere; we would have to change the land (known as terraforming.) Even the gravity is different, however the idea of instantly weighing less sounded appealing to us! Maybe one day we can trade Slim Fast for spaceships. 😉
Since we can’t colonize Mars, it is a good thing corporations are doing more to help us save Earth. Cutting ties with the plastics lobby is the first step in the right direction. It is a hard battle with a lot left to fight, but its a solid foundation to start with!
Tattoos can be sentimental, funny or even helpful (like a ruler on your finger or a to-do list on your forearm, but after 5000 years of tattooing humans, they’ve now reached a whole new level of usefulness. Tattoos that can tell you when your blood sugar is low and update you on other medical issues would be an amazing advancement. We plan to keep our eyes on this one!
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