It’s That Time of Year…Back to School Time!

by Aug 10, 2015

Tis’ the season for school to get back started and the world is a-buzz! From shopping for school supplies and uniforms to school open houses and teacher meet-and-greets, the first day of school will be here before you know it (if it hasn’t started already like some schools have today).


I personally love back to school time and I don’t even have kids! Last week I stocked up on sales and BOGO’s at Publix, checked out office supplies at Office Depot and did a little revamping of my wardrobe since tax free week started last Friday. It’s one of my favorite times of the year!


That being said, there are a few things that get a little annoying this time of year.

Here are a few of my favorite and least favorite back to school.


The Best of Back to School

1. Tax Free Week: From August 7-16, enjoy tax free week for buying clothes, school supplies and computers….talk about Yaye!

2. Adorable Pictures on Facebook: It’s become quite the tradition lately – parents taking pictures of their children on their first day of school with a sign of what grade they’re entering. I LOVE THESE PICTURES! They’re so adorable and I get to catch up on my friends’ and families’ kids and how much they’ve grown.

3. Brand New Office Supplies: When I was in school I loved shopping for school supplies and getting all new pencils, pens, backpacks and binders. As an adult, I love shopping for Mugsy PR office supplies! Emily and I use this time of year to take stock of our supplies and what we need for the office. Ink is usually at the top of the list, followed by more USBs, printing paper, envelopes and of course….the fun stuff like funky pens and bright notebooks!


The Worst of Back to School

1. The Change in Traffic Patterns: I get so used to how the traffic is during the summer without school zones and big yellow buses. Now it’s back to the usual traffic – except for the first two weeks that are usually a little more chaotic as we all try to adapt to a new routine.

2. Speed Traps: To be clear, I NEVER speed in school zones…it’s just not worth it. However, I may or may not hit the gas a little harder than usual (accidentally of course) when traveling in a pack of cars. Usually around this time of year, there are more police officers out with radar detectors and sometimes with 3 or 4 cars pulled over at one time. Be careful out there and don’t speed!

3. Fighting Over Paper: Although I love tax free week, I always feel bad fighting over paper and supplies with the excited teens and tots going back to class. They sure are lucky they’re adorably sweet kids because I always cave and give the supplies up…LOL.