Much-Needed Motivation at Work

by Nov 24, 2015

There’s always those few tasks that are hard to get any employee to do. They’re either so mundane that you have to stand and work while completing them so you don’t fall asleep, or it’s a task that you know will interrupt your working groove so you just keep putting it off.

You know the type of work I’m talking about. But how do you motivate employees to make sure it’s done on time and done right? INCENTIVES! It’s almost like trying to motivate yourself to eat better…you make yourself do it by incentivizing yourself after awhile (i.e. after two weeks of eating vegetables at every meal you’ll buy yourself a new pair of shoes….for instance).

Here are some great ways to incentivize or reward your employees for doing great work.

Meal Time: There’s nothing like a free lunch to perk up your work day! If your team bands together to go above-and-beyond what the task required, reward them with a lunch outing to continue the celebration!

Early In…Early Out: Do you have that one employee that’s always in the office earlier than everyone else making sure all deadlines are met? Reward him or her with an early dismissal from work. Chances are, they’re an early-bird/morning person and would enjoy an afternoon to do their personal errands or just relax.

Over-Achievers: Don’t you love it when you assign a task to an employee with a certain goal and they just shatter right through it? ME TOO! To reward them, take a look at their social media profiles and find out where they like to shop or what they like to do for fun and get them a gift card that they’ll really appreciate and actually use. They worked hard for you so take the time to reward them with something they would actually want!

How do you reward your employees?