Mugsy PR’s Top Ten of the Week

by Jun 12, 2015

It’s been a fun and busy week for Emily and I and we’re so excited to share it with you! You know we usually share our fave/fab 5’s with you….however, today we decided to share our top 10’s with you – 5 from each of us. Get ready to jump into the minds of Mugsy!

Sarah’s Picks

1. How Do I Love Thee…Let’s Dodge the DroneAsk anyone…I love drones and the work they do. For example, see the drone video that was done by Sky Copter Media a commercial spot done for Mugsy client, the Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum. He captured the community of Boca Raton in a professional manner with ease and created a commercial that helped the organization garner visibility, share the love of the community and sell tickets to the top Boca Raton community wine and food festival. Bottom line…if you’re gonna do it…do it right! Just make sure you get the right person and your wedding video doesn’t get ruined like these poor people: Drone Wedding Photography Gone Wrong.

2. Why Child-Free Aunties are Amazing: For those of you who know me well, you know I don’t have children. I do, however, have two amazingly handsome nephews and the cutest niece you’ll ever see! (And yes….I’m obviously showing A LOT of favoritism…lol). I loved this article on Huffington Post because it resonated with me. I want to be the favorite Aunt, I want to be able to help when needed and I want to get them everything they ask for (with parental approval of course!).

3. Life’s a Beach: ICYMIThe Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum was one of the main features in The Coastal Star this month! Emily and I both love the the the exhibit – me – I’m all about the beach life back in the day and Emily is all about the fashion! Hurry in to see it as their exhibit will be changing soon!

4. Florida Social ConGet ready….it’s coming on July 18th! And you’ll be able to learn more about it with Karla Campos and our very own Emily Taffel on Rod with a Twist – a brand new video segment for Sun-Sentinel that is also featured on Hulu! That’s right….Mugsy will be featured on Hulu soon!

5. Summer Camp: With most schools being out for session, it seems like the talk of the town (or any town) is about summer camp! I’ve heard a lot about the summer camps in my area and can’t believe how amazing they all are….either through school, dance summer camp, etc. If you have kids, let us know what kind of summer camp your child is attending and what they’re doing!


Emily’s Picks 

1. Rue McClanahan Dies Again. Golden Girl Rue McClanahan passed away in 2010, but for some reason news of her death began to pop up on social media again this week as if it just happened. Apparently the same thing happened last year, so this seems to be a weird trend. We don’t get it, but Sarah and I are both big Golden Girls fans so any reason to talk about it works for us!

2. Restoring Faith in Humanity. Southwest Airlines did the most amazing thing this week. They rerouted a flight and went above and beyond in customer service to assist a woman who found out her son was in a coma from an accident. THIS is how being a caring corporation should be done. I think a lot more people will consider flying Southwest now.

3. Those Darn Female Scientists. Tim Hunt resigned today from University College London. This makes me happy. If you don’t know how he is, Time Hunt is the Nobel Winning Scientist who made the following statement, ““Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry.”  What happened in between his statement and his resignation? Kick ass responses from female scientists across the country with the hashtag #DistractinglySexy (see the best here).

Still #distractinglysexy After A Full Day Of Cell Culture. Didn't Even Cry This Time, So Proud!

4. And In More Science News…Two years ago 15 year old Tom Wagg discovered a planet. This week more definitive news came out and the now 17 year old is getting worldwide recognition for his discovery of an exoplanet that resides outside of our solar system. He is one of the youngest people to ever make a discovery like this. Not a bad way to start your college career!

5. I Choose…A New Tattoo. To leave you with a smile to start your weekend with, I had to share this pic that is trending of a brilliant Pikachu tattoo cover-up. Enjoy!
