We have been BUSY this week. Like super human, how-the-heck-are-we-getting-this-all-done, busy. So in between the crazy, well…we needed a little crazy. Here are the top five news stories that made me laugh out loud this week.
1. Cookie Monster is Sad. If you have an iPhone, the likelihood is that at some point this week, you have asked Siri “What is zero divided by zero”. If you haven’t heard Siri’s hilarious response, I won’t spoil it, but I will tell you it involves Cookie Monster and friends. I have an Android but I have asked several friends to do it so I could get a laugh. Gotta love that Apple humor. Even better? Cookie Monster responded.
2. Come on, Vogue. Channing Tatum vogued this week. And did the robot, the running man and more for a Vanity Fair shoot. If he hasn’t stolen your heart before – his moves and adorable sense of humor will melt you now.
3. Bubble Heads. Have you seen Bubble Soccer? Apparently this is becoming popular overseas, but the bubbles are 30lbs and that seems ridiculously heavy. The video itself just makes me laugh, despite it being a real sport.
4. Hamster Holidays. You all know I love the adorable animal party videos by HelloDenizen, and just in time for the Fourth of July holiday weekend, there is a cute furry animal BBQ! So if you’re as stressed as we have been lately, take five and watch. You can’t help but smile – I guarantee it!
5. Trump Talks. I don’t care what political side you’re on, you laughed at Donald Trump this week. His comments on Mexico and Mexicans have caused NBC to cancel his shows, advertisers like Macy’s to pull their sponsor dollars and people like me to laugh when photos popped up on line showing that the Donald Trump line of suits are made in Mexico. Hehehe.
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