Wanderlust Worker – Top 5 Must Have Items for Remote Working

by Jun 30, 2018

Last week Sarah wrote a post about taking advantage of the beautiful South Florida weather, and she’s right. We have the type of career that allows us the ability to take our job on the road between events and meetings, and we simply don’t do enough of that. One of my goals this year has been to travel more and after my honeymoon in January and some local exploration in, we are off to a great start with more trips planned throughout the year. In order to do things right, to be a true “Wanderlust Worker”, you need the correct set-up. Here are my top 5 MUST HAVE items for working while away.

1. Make sure every document you need is on Google Drive and Dropbox. There are many other file sharing programs, but the traveling team here at Mugsy exists on the ability to access files from any device at any time and these programs are our choice to make that easy possible, especially when combined with Trello.

2.  Lightweight devices make this lifestyle possible as well, particularly those with built in, amazing cameras like the iPhone X. I do most of my work from a phone while traveling, and Sarah does hers from her iPad. When traveling for an extended period we both bring our laptops as well, but having lighter devices certainly helps our shoulders, backs, arms and overall packing purposes!

3. You may have found accommodations with WiFi, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to want to work confined in that space any more than you’d want to work in your own home’s four walls all the time. Find the best place with WiFi near you to get out, experience local culture, meet new people (if you want, or just enjoy some coffee while you work) and get stuff done with PlacesToWork.

4.  Lifewire did some research on the Best Wireless Travel Routers so I will leave the deep info to their experts and you can check out their link, but I highly recommend picking one up so that you do have the fastest possible WiFi connection for remote work. Nothing will deter you from working on the road than a dial-up speed connection or being stuck in one small space with the world to see outside.

5.  Finally, none of this works at all without an amazing power bank. If your devices die, so does your business. I carry three when traveling so I can rotate charging them, and I even have a back up battery tiny keychain for quick phone emergencies. While the point of traveling is to disconnect, having the choice to do so, and not the obligation because of a dead battery, makes all the difference.

What else would you add to the list? Comment and link me to your top picks!