Books for the Summer

Books for the Summer

I’m an avid reader and many times I prefer a good business book to a novel. I love learning while I read and if I can boost our productivity, sales or customer service in some way, I am happy to pick up a book about it. I will admit though, in reviewing my reading...
Art, Evolution and Coffee

Art, Evolution and Coffee

A week in the Mind of Mugsy. Here’s a truly random top 5 list for your day! Some interesting articles are floating around this time of year and these are the ones causing the most chatter in the office this week, You really get a sneak peek into our brains with...
Movies That Inspire Us at Work

Movies That Inspire Us at Work

Movies have the ability to bring us on a rollercoaster ride of emotion so intense we laugh, we cry, and sometimes we even need a nap after. And sometimes – they can also bring out the beast of inspiration. Movies can have an impact that lasts for a lifetime, and...